Monday, February 5, 2007

second blog post which comes second

This is in a second post cause Ms Mace said to. So there **pokes out tongue**

I'm supposed to talk a bit about the first week of drama class. It was...nothing special I guess. Not exactly mind-boggling but I didn't die of boredom either. It kinda sucks that everybody else did drama last year and so they all know exactly what they're in for, and I didn't, which means I don't know anything, but them's the breaks.

And now I shall go and try and do something productive.

**gallops away on a white horse into the sunset**


kylie (kyle) said...

let me tell you what u r in for.....HELL!! no i dont mean that. u'll find that this year will be lots of fun but there is lots of hard work in the mix at the same time. finding the balance is the hardest part.

kj - i luv being insane said...

yay!! so maybe it will let me comment this time!!
heres wot i tried to say earlier:
hmmm...u poor poor thing. get over it ally. lol. if ms mace has to read this, then hi ms mace!!! sorri couldnt resist hope all goes well with this blog luv kira

so im saying again:
hi ally!!