Friday, March 23, 2007

musical takes up all my time

Well here I am, writing drama blogs while I'm supposed to be packing for my rehearsal camp tomorrow. There are clothes and shoes strewn all over my floor. But I'm doing this instead. Says a lot about my attention span.

And I am so not leaving it a week before posting again (although I have a legit excuse, i've been at musical rehearsals). I had to go back and read everyone's blogs in order to work out what happened in what order on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank deity-of-non-specified-religion-here that there are people in our class who keep up with stuff.

First off - I want to address the so-called 'issues' we are having in class. Frankly, I don't see them at all. I mean, it's obvious that there are different friendship groups in the class but that's simply a matter of who you prefer to hang out with, and not a 'nasty' thing. And now I'm constantly worried that some people have issues with me, and I just cant see it. I'd like to say to everyone now....
If you have an issue or any kind of problem with me, tell me about it. Subtle hints don't work. And I'd rather know that I'm irritating you and then do something about it, than to carry on in blissful ignorance. So leave me a comment, approach me after class, do whatever but please just LET ME KNOW.

Anyway, after Ms Mace had this discussion with us, we started some more team-building games and stuff. We did Knots, but unfortunately I was in a seperate circle to the main knot and so was out easily. Then it took ages and ages to try and get the other knot out, but it just didn't work. So after recess we had another go, and GUESS WHAT I WAS IN A SEPERATE CIRLE AGAIN! But this time we were entwined with the other circle, and couldn't detach. Seeing as we couldn't get any knots out, we played the ball game and got to a rather high number (which escapes me at this point in time).

We've done a lot more reading of Mirror Mirror, and it's really very interesting the way things are going. Some people are doing VERY well at certain roles...
SHOUT OUT TO ADELE! Your Girl today was so so so so so wonderful. It's one of the best performances from this reading that I've seen so far. You rock, girl.
I have to say, I really like doing the readings and having a go at different characters. I think it would be fun to have a go at the voice. Cause it's such an interesting character.

Well, now I must go and try and cram all my stuff into a bag. I hate having to bring costumes on camp - takes up all the room in my bag!

Love y'all.

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