Tuesday, April 3, 2007

would someone please pass the salt?

we got our casting today. needless to say, it was a rather emotional lesson. although i basically knew exactly what i'd be getting, i was a bit shocked at some of the casting decisions. however much as i didn't expect a few of the people and their roles, i'm sure they'll all be amazing.

we also did some parkbench/busstop work after recess. i think park bench went especially well today, Klunyk's Jesus thing was so funny! Snaps to him!

oh and another thing - it was mentioned again in people's blogs (Luke's actually, but i'm too lazy right now to link to it) about the split up in groups. seriously people, can someone pleeeease enlighten me about this? i believe oil-and-water was the phrase used. please y'all, someone talk to me about this. i'm begging you sweetly, i'm down on my knee!

hoorah for gratuitous musical references.

eep. my blog entries of late have been so short. i'm sorry about that, but there just isn't much i have to say. i suppose when the group production gets properly underway, they'll be plenty for me to talk about.

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