Tuesday, May 29, 2007

let's get cynical, cynical!

okay. this is just a quick one. i advise you not to read it if you are easily disheartened. in fact, don't read it at all. i just need to get all this out of my system.

i know the idea is to be hyped up about this, because it's coming up soon and we have to think positive, but does anyone actually believe what they've written? everyone seems to have such high hopes for themselves and the play in general, and i'm generally of the opinion that the whole thing is going to collapse around our ears. maybe it's cause i'm just a pessimist (although i don't like to think of myself this way), or maybe it's because i'm so far behind in what i should be doing.

i know everyone is stressed and i am too. this probably isn't true, but right the way through our rehearsing i've felt that i've had so much more to do than anyone else (except bec). which would be very unfair. and its cause of this perception of how little you guys have to do (what? learn a few lines, remember where to stand, geez how hard can it be?) that i've been so snappy and bitchy. so yeah. that's kind of an explanation why. also, it kind of sucks to work for two or three hours making something, and then to be told that you don't like it. geddit?

and when you guys just rock up to rehearsals and you don't know your lines and spend so much time mucking around, when i've spend five hours the day before cutting and pinning and sewing, and i still have a presentation to prepare and costumes to finish, and i'm supposed to have a handle on all of your characters, and you only have to know about your own characters and even then it looks to me like you've done no work outside of school rehearsals, and the rehearsals are a waste of time for me because i get more done at home but i have to be there anyway, but putting in late nights and early mornings and tuesday-off-for-trinity-sunday sewing and freaking out about giving you things to sew because if you screw it up i lose marks, and my costumes are supposed to match your character but so many of you still seem to be developing your characters so how am i supposed to match something that doesn't fully exist yet and it's not fair cause you guys don't have anywhere near this much work and ms mace spends all her time with you lot and doesn't seem to know anything about what i'm doing or how time-consuming it is or how much it costs and i'm trying to be nice but when i'm thinking all this it's insanely hard to not run out of rehearsals screaming after ripping apart all the stitches.

so yeah. that's about what's running through my head every drama lesson. vous comprenez?


knowlesey said...
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Maddy said...

I'd much rather say this to you in person, but I know you are stressed and I don't want you to think I am trying to intimidate you, so seeing as though you seem to blog a lot, i thought this was the least invasive, best way to go.

You are doing a great job with all the things you have to do but if you do not want Adele and I to help out with the sewing, because you are "freaking out about giving us things to sew because if we screw it up you lose marks" then tell ask us not to help. But keep in mind, we were told to do so. Secondly I think "screw it up" is a pretty rude way to say that we (who are not great sewers like you) may make mistakes, basically i dont want to go into why its rude- it is, there are nicer ways to say things that do not hurt people's feelings when they are trying to help you. And lastly, if you do feel like we have done 'crappy sewing' then it is pretty mean to bitch about it to other people behind our backs. Again we are just trying to help, and constantly offering to- because you tell us you are stressed. Thats why we are TRYING to help, and do OUR BEST to do it.

Please don't apologise I just wanted you to see that your words DO have an effect,- and sometimes, its a pretty hurtful one.

I think the show will smooth out and it will be great, just like the costumes. Most importantly, I think if we help each other and BELIEVE in each other, we can make it amazing.


hoLLy said...

ok that comment was a bit forward. firstly. ok so you have to learn lines for capers and shiznit but not 3 fckucking (yes fckucking) monologues. it is not as easy as you are saying and it is really rude and unwanted ok? maybe this could be helping for your group production report but it is pretty much just pissing people off. first you complained that you didnt want anyone to participate in the idea for their costume, fine(ish), but then you cant just go to me daniel kyle and phoebe and expect us to find our own with absolutely no help. i know i sound like a bitch but it has to be said.
all of us (except for you) want to succeed in this ok? shit-vers! be a bit more positive! the whole thing will be over by the end of next week. even if you do think that it wont be brilliant, we all do. maybe you are a pessamist but perhaps keep it to yourself. ok this is more having a go so i apologise for that.
im sorry that im being a bitch but what you said was really mean and unappreciated.
i know you're under a lot of stress but at least if your clothes are all done and looking good on the night you'll do well. no matter how good we look we can still easily stuff up, forget lines, miss cues etc there is a lot to think about. thats why its so important for ms mace to spend time working witrh us. what would you like her to do? sit and watch you put together a costume stitch by stitch?? its not going to happen because it would be a waste of hers and our time. we need her to pass. you dont. all you need is some good ideas and a sewing machine.

i'm sorry i had to say this over the internet as i know it is the easy way out but i know how much it sucks to be confronted and i can understand how much stress you are under. just remember this though. you chose to do backstage. none of us asked you to. just be a bit more considerate with what you are sayig and maybe you'll get a better response to the work you do. just try and be positive for us ok? i dont want there to be another freaking class divide or whatever it was ms mace saw. we all have to understand each other and work as a team to do really well.

hoLLy said...

i meant to write 3 PAGE monologues not 3 monologues. my mistake.

kylie (kyle) said...

wow i only found out about this blog and boy am i annoyed. You dont have to get along with people or like what you see, but to publically insult the entire drama class, thats just not freaking on. Yes you have done a lot of work. But how could you not know it would be a huge part? If you didn't want to do it you wouldn't have.
I may just be reiterating what others have said, but even though yes we learn our lines and then act, we still have a lot of work load. Plus the stress you get when watching others struggle with their part and you cant really do anything to help.
you want help? ask for it. you've been given help. appreciate it. don't go out and have a big go at people for trying.
i know how much you've done and we all appreciate it. but we also appreciate positive comments and confidence rather then your little stupid putdowns. i am massively confident with what we have. dont be so judging.

knowlesey said...

I removed my previous comment because I've read this post again, plus the comments and seen things differently.

Even though I can see why people posted comments that were a little +WOAH+ I can see where they are coming from.

I feel partly responsible for all of this because I proof-read this blog entry before you posted it and said it was okay to post, mainly because Miss Mace said at the start if we have something on our minds to put it all on our blogs, which you have done.

One more week to go and it'll all be over so lets make this week the best and have a whole lotta fun :)