Saturday, March 10, 2007

yes bec, i did steal your link

Hey everyone. This is just a quick post, to enlighten you all with an ana link. I think it strikes a chord with Mirror Mirror and the way eating disorders are portrayed in the play. So here ya go, Glamour, Popularity and Truth. And I didn't quite steal it from Bec. This page linked off of the page she gave, but I thought it was important that people should read it.

And I know I'm posting far to frequently for anyone to keep up, but I'm writing when I have the inclination, which is fairly often, and besides aren't we supposed to be keeping this blog for our own reference later anyway? Oh and on Friday we watched part of that Channel 7 (i think i love you, but what am i so afraid of) special on "Skinny Celebrities". I saw it when it was aired, but it still gives an interesting outlook on eating disorders and the race to be a size 0.

Love y'all.


~*kiah*~ said...

Ally seriously 'Jet of Blood' was amazing .. i cnt tell u why, but it just was, you hav to take my word for it. it was soooooooo weird !!!!!! lots of screaming and loud noises and scary makeup and costumes and voices .. and just OMG !!!!

Black Josh said...

I'm confused. wouldn't a size 0 dress, by definition, be a piece of rope?